Thank you for your interest in the lab!
We are always looking for ways to involve new people in our research, and will try to do so whenever there are opportunities available. Below are some options on how to get involved:
- Graduate studies: The lab WILL NOT BE considering potential PhD and Masters students for the upcoming application cycle.
- Paid positions: These positions will be advertised through the lab webpage as well as through official University hiring webpages. At this time, the lab is NOT offering any paid positions.
- For-credit options: If you are a Psych Major here at the U of O, there might be opportunities for getting involved in research for course credits. You should check with an advisor to make sure research for credit is the right option for you. Previous coursework in Cognitive Neuroscience and/or Biopsychology is recommended, but not required. Previous research experience is not required. If you think you might be interested in this option, please email us with a description of what sort of commitment you are interested in as well as a description of any relevant coursework/previous experience.
- Volunteering: If none of the above options are available/preferred, then the lab also occasionally provides opportunities for unpaid volunteers. If you are interested in this option, please email us describing what sort of arrangement you are interested in and we will try to accommodate volunteers as we are able.